# Lucas's Choose Your Own Adventure 1
equipment = ['rope', 'sword', 'rations', 'armour']
stamina = 10
luck = 10
name = input('Enter your character\'s name\n')
print(f'Hello adventurer {name}!\n'
      f'You have {stamina} stamina points\n'
      f'You have {luck} luck points\n'
      f'Your equipment is {equipment}')
print(f'You walk into a room and see an apple\n')
apple = input(f'Do you:\n'
              f'1. Eat it.\n'
              f'2. Put it in your backpack\n')
if apple == '1':
    print(f'You entered {apple} and eat the apple.\n'
          f'The apple is poisonous and you get sick.\n'
          f'You lose 4 stamina points.\n')
    stamina = stamina - 4
    print(f'Your stamina is now {stamina}')
elif apple == '2':
    print(f'You entered {apple} and put the apple in you backpack\n')
    print(f'You now have {equipment}\n')
    print(f'Dude {apple} is not a correct choice!')
print('You walk down a path and see a starving man')
beg = input(f'Do you:\n'
            f'1. Give him an apple if you have one.\n'
            f'2. Keep the apple if you have one.\n'
            f'3. Attack the starving man\n')
if beg == '1':
    luck = luck + 2
    print(f'You hand the starving man your apple then he dies'
          f' \n'
          f'You lose your {equipment[4]}.\n')
    del equipment[4]
    print(f'Your equipment now is {equipment}\n'
          f'You gain two lucks points. Your luck is now {luck}\n')
elif beg == '2' or beg == '3':
    stamina = stamina - 2
    print(f'You don\'t give the man an apple.\n'
          f'The starving man gets angry and attacks you.\n'
          f'You lose 2 stamina points.\n'
          f'Your stamina is now {stamina}.\n')
    print(f'Dude {beg} is not a correct choice!')
print(f'Lucas Beare will need to continue this story. Goodbye')