Running MX Linux on a USB device (as hypervisor)
*** Post writing doco finding - OK so after using this on my newly acquired server I had issues with VMs and storage, probably don't try this!
It's great for just a Linux Workstation on the Go though.
Goal - to run Linux from a USB device and be able create VMs on it.
Design - MX Linux running on a USB with Virtual Box installed.
Access from client via SSH and virtualbox GUI over X11 forwarding.
VM disks to be installed on separate storage.
I also considered KVM & VNC as alternatives to VirtualBox & X11.
However the later was simpler, especially after I wasted so much time trying to get VNC working!
MX is a Debian based Linux distro that is optimised to run as live media.
When you boot MX Linux from a USB you can configure it to store root (/) and home (/home) persistently.
While live it seems to save changes in RAM or some optimised other location.
When you poweroff it commits changes to disk permanently using rsync (this is the slow bit!).
I am used to CentOS so had to learn a couple of Ubuntu commands, some of which detailed below.
Set up automatic updates:
sudo apt install unattended-upgrades apt-listchanges
sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow unattended-upgrades
Install virtualbox after running an apt-get update
apt-get install virtualbox
Configure firewall to allow SSH
ufw enable
ufw allow ssh
Confirm rules:
ufw status verbose
SSH server not installed by default on MX Linux
apt install openssh-server
service ssh enable
List installed packages
apt list --installed
netstat equivalent
ss -tulpn
Now I had to launch virtualbox using X11 forwarding so it appeared on my Windows client.
Windows side:
Install Xming so you can do X-Windows stuff.
Configure Putty to talk X11.
Server side:
You need to enable X11 forwarding in your /etc/ssh/sshd_config file.
X11Forwarding yes
Initially I had auth issues when puttying in. I found that my .Xauthority file in the user's home dir was owned by root.
I had to set this to the user for BOTH user and group ownership on the file.