Show Installed Software Program
The below PowerShell script can be used to list the installed software on a remote PC.mode con: lines=20
$a = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI
$a.WindowTitle = "Show Installed Software Tool"
$a.BackgroundColor = "darkcyan"
$a.ForegroundColor = "white"
#Import-Module -DisableNameChecking activedirectory
#Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -force
$nl = [Environment]::NewLine
Write-Host "Welcome to the Show Installed Software Tool - Author Nick Beare"
$target2 = read-host "Please enter the computer name of the machine you would like to report on"
$target = $target2.ToUpper()
Write-Host "Connecting to $target this may take a couple of minutes or so, please wait..."
echo "*** Please see below the software currently installed on $target ***" >> 'c:\Show Installed Software\Installed_Software_Logs\Installed_Software.txt'
get-wmiobject -computername $target -class win32_product | select-object -property name, version | sort-object -property name | out-file -append 'c:\Show Installed Software\Installed_Software_Logs\Installed_Software.txt'
write-host "A list of installed software on $target has been appended to c:\Show Installed Software\Installed_Software_Logs\Installed_Software.txt"
$response = read-host "Enter 'Y' and hit enter to check another machine. To quit, enter any other key and hit enter"
while ($response -eq "Y")