This page contains content not relating to IT.
Beare's ChessA record of my over the board and online chess games.

- Chess 101 by Nick Beare
- FICS games
- ICC games
- Chessworld.net games 2013
- Doeberl Cup Minor 2013
- Memorable Matches
- ANU Minor 2013 Standings
- ANU Open/Minor 2013 Chess Express Post
- ANU Winter Swiss 2014
A collection of psychology papers written by me on various topics during my University years.
- What is Pain? What Psychological Treatments are Recommended for Physical Pain Management and how Effective are they?
- Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
- What can sociology contribute to the account of Major Depressive Disorder in contemporary Australia?
- Context-dependent Memory in Two Different Environments: Indoors and Outdoors
- Counselling Theory
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and the Expected Stages of Client Change