Staff Creation Tool.txt - Notepad

Staff Creation Tool

I created the below PowerShell script to create new users who have joined the organisation. It does a number of things such as creating the AD user account, Exchange mailbox, and Lync account.
mode con: lines=70
$a = (Get-Host).UI.RawUI
$a.WindowTitle = " Staff Creation Tool"
$a.BackgroundColor = "darkcyan" 
$a.ForegroundColor = "white" 
Import-Module -DisableNameChecking activedirectory
Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted -force
$nl = [Environment]::NewLine
Write-Host "Welcome to the Staff Creation Tool - Author Nick Beare  
This tool can be used to:
*  Create a staff member's AD user account.
*  Add the user the 'iSheriff Users' and 'All Staff - Dickson' AD groups.
*  Set their AD user account expiration date.
*  Assign their home folder path (H drive) and create the folder.
*  Move their AD user account to the correct OU.
*  Create their Exchange mailbox and configure Unified Messaging.
*  Create their Lync account."
Start-Transcript -Path "\\SERVER_NAME\g_drive\BHP\CIO\SDT\Service Desk\Tools\Scripts\Staff_Creation_Tool_Log.txt" -Append
$CT = Read-Host "Please enter the HelpMaster Reference number for the staff member you would like to create eg CT123456"
$CT = [string]::join("", $CT)
$userid2 = Read-Host "Please enter the user ID (eg pbearen of the staff member you would like to create"
$userid = $userid2.ToLower()
# check if user already exists in AD, if they do exit.
$dup = Get-ADUser -LDAPFilter "(sAMAccountName=$userid)"
If ($dup -eq $Null) {
$firstname = Read-Host "Please enter the staff member's firstname"
$lastname = Read-Host "Please enter the staff member's surname"
$displayname = $firstname + " " + $lastname
$ext = Read-Host "Please enter the staff member's four digit extension number eg 7730.  Leave the field blank and press return if you don't know the extension yet"
$ext2 = '6268' + " " + $ext
$OU0 = Read-Host "Is the staff member a contractor or BHP employee?  Enter either 'contractor' or 'BHP'"
$OU1 = $OU0.tolower()
if ($OU1 -eq "BHP") {
$OU = "OU=Users,OU=BHP,DC=BHPagency,DC=corporate" 
$expiration_date = Read-Host "If required, please enter the account expiration date of the new BHP staff member in DD/MM/YYYY format.  To set no expiry date simply leave this field blank and press return"
$password1 = Read-Host -AsSecureString "Please enter a password for the new BHP staff member's AD user account"
$password2 = Read-Host -AsSecureString "Please confirm the password"
$password3 = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($password1))
$password4 = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($password2))
if ($password3 -ne $password4)
Write-Host "The user passwords you have entered do not match.  Program terminating.  Goodbye."
Write-Host "The  Staff Creation Tool is about to create BHP staff member $userid - $firstname $lastname.  Press any key to continue OR click the cross on the top right hand corner of this window to exit."
$x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
$encryptedpassword=convertto-securestring $password3 -asplaintext -force 
$principal = $userid + "@BHPagency.corporate"
$home2 = "\\SERVER_NAME\users$\" + $userid
write-host "Creating AD user account and setting H drive path..."
New-aduser -GivenName $firstname -name $userid -Surname $lastname -OfficePhone $ext2 -DisplayName $displayname -SamAccountName $userid -accountPassword $encryptedpassword -passwordneverexpires $false -path $OU -Enabled $True -Description $CT -UserPrincipalName $principal -HomeDirectory $home2 -changepasswordatlogon $true -HomeDrive "H:" 
set-adaccountexpiration -identity $userid -datetime $expiration_date
new-item -path \\SERVER_NAME\users$\ -type directory -name $userid 2>&1 | Out-Null
$Acl = Get-Acl -path $home2
$Ar = New-Object$userid,"FullControl","Allow")
Set-Acl -Path $home2 -AclObject $Acl
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity 'All Staff - Dickson' -members $userid
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity 'iSheriff Users' -members $userid
# Create the user's mailbox
Write-Host "Creating the user's mailbox, please wait and do not exit..."
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.Admin
# Manually set the mail storage group here
enable-Mailbox -identity $userid -database 'Exchange_Server\CT Storage Group 3\Mail Store 3' 2>&1 | Out-Null
Write-Host "Disabling Outlook Web App (OWA) and configuring Unified Messaging if an extension was provided, please wait and do not exit..."
Set-CASMailbox -Identity $userid -OWAEnabled:$false
Enable-UMMailbox -Identity $userid -extensions $ext -UMMailboxPolicy 'BHP UM Mailbox Policy'
# Add the user to Lync
$lync = get-childitem  env:username | Select-Object -ExpandProperty value
Write-Host "Adding user to Lync, please wait and enter you domain admin password when prompted..."
$session = new-pssession -connectionuri "https://lyncpool.BHPagency.corporate/ocspowershell" -credential $lync
import-pssession $session
Enable-CsUser -Identity $userid -RegistrarPool "lyncpool.BHPagency.corporate" -SipAddressType SamAccountName -SipDomain BHPagency.corporate 2>&1 | Out-Null
$lineURI = ("tel:$ext;phone-context=dialstring")
$serverURI = ("sip:$userid@CUPS-CT-01.BHPagency.corporate")
Set-csuser -Identity $userid -enterprisevoiceenabled $false -RemoteCallControlTelephonyEnabled $true -lineuri $lineURI -LineServerUri $serverURI 
Grant-csclientpolicy -identity $userid -policyname "BHPClientPolicy"
write-host "The  Staff Creation Tool has finished running.  Goodbye."
ElseIf ($OU1 -eq "contractor") {
$OU = "OU=Contractors,OU=Users,OU=BHP,DC=BHPagency,DC=corporate" 
$password1 = Read-Host -AsSecureString "Please enter a password for the new BHP staff member's AD user account"
$password2 = Read-Host -AsSecureString "Please confirm the password"
$password3 = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($password1))
$password4 = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($password2))
if ($password3 -ne $password4)
Write-Host "The user passwords you have entered do not match.  Program terminating.  Goodbye."
$expiration_date = Read-Host "Please enter the account expiration date of the new contractor in DD/MM/YYYY format"}
while ($expiration_date -eq [string]::Empty) {
write-host "You have not entered an expiration date for a contractor."  
$expiration_date = Read-Host "Please enter the account expiration date of the new contractor in DD/MM/YYYY format"
Write-Host "The  Staff Creation Tool is about to create $userid - $firstname $lastname.  Press any key to continue OR click the cross on the top right hand corner of this window to exit."
$x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
$encryptedpassword=convertto-securestring $password3 -asplaintext -force 
$principal = $userid + "@BHPagency.corporate"
$home2 = "\\SERVER_NAME\users$\" + $userid
write-host "Creating AD user account..."
New-ADUser -GivenName $firstname -name $userid -Surname $lastname -OfficePhone $ext2 -DisplayName $displayname -SamAccountName $userid -accountPassword $encryptedpassword -passwordneverexpires $false -path $OU -Enabled $True -Description $CT -UserPrincipalName $principal -HomeDirectory $home2 -changepasswordatlogon $true -HomeDrive "H:" 
set-adaccountexpiration -identity $userid -datetime $expiration_date
new-item -path \\SERVER_NAME\users$\ -type directory -name $userid 2>&1 | Out-Null
$Acl = Get-Acl -path $home2
$Ar = New-Object$userid,"FullControl","Allow")
Set-Acl -Path $home2 -AclObject $Acl
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity 'All Staff - Dickson' -members $userid
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity 'iSheriff Users' -members $userid
# Create the user's mailbox
Write-Host "Creating the user's mailbox, please wait and do not exit..."
Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.Admin
enable-Mailbox -identity $userid -database 'Exchange_Server\CT Storage Group 3\Mail Store 3' 2>&1 | Out-Null
Write-Host "Disabling Outlook Web App (OWA) and configuring Unified Messaging if an extension was provided, please wait and do not exit..."
Set-CASMailbox -Identity $userid -OWAEnabled:$false
Enable-UMMailbox -Identity $userid -extensions $ext -UMMailboxPolicy 'BHP UM Mailbox Policy'
# Add the user to Lync
$lync = get-childitem  env:username | Select-Object -ExpandProperty value
Write-Host "Adding user to Lync, please wait and enter you domain admin password when prompted..."
$session = new-pssession -connectionuri "https://lyncpool.BHPagency.corporate/ocspowershell" -credential $lync
import-pssession $session
Enable-CsUser -Identity $userid -RegistrarPool "lyncpool.BHPagency.corporate" -SipAddressType SamAccountName -SipDomain BHPagency.corporate 2>&1 | Out-Null
$lineURI = ("tel:$ext;phone-context=dialstring")
$serverURI = ("sip:$userid@CUPS-SERVER-02.BHPagency.corporate")
Set-csuser -Identity $userid -enterprisevoiceenabled $false -RemoteCallControlTelephonyEnabled $true -lineuri $lineURI -LineServerUri $serverURI 
Grant-csclientpolicy -identity $userid -policyname "BHPClientPolicy"
write-host "The  Staff Creation Tool has finished running.  Goodbye."
Else {
write-host "Invalid input.  Please enter either 'contractor' or 'BHP'.  The program will now exit.  Goodbye."
Write-Host "The userid $userid already exists in Active Directory.  Goodbye."

Below is the contents of the bat file that is used to execute the above PowerShell script. Note that '-executionpolicy bypass' prevents any annoying execution prompts.

@ C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -file "\\HOSTNAME\staff_creation.ps1"

